Sound on Sound | VLC

In this video, Sound on Sound learns about the key details about the VLC preamp & EQ.

Hazelrigg Industries is a family-run outfit operated by brothers Geoff and George Hazelrigg. Geoff used to work with Doug Fearn, the man behind D.W Fearn, and in fact licenses the amplifier and power supply designs for the VLC-1 from Fearn. The key with the Hazelrigg Industries  VLC-1 was to bring that all-tube sound to those with a slightly smaller budget. Watch the video for more information. 

A fun fact about the VLC-1 is the use of a locking switch for the phantom power that needs to be pulled out before it can be switched. Both Geoff and Geroge, as well as audio experts, are pilots and the inspiration for this was, apparently, taken from the cockpit of a plane. 

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Audio Quality with George & Geoff Hazelrigg


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